6 foods to increase and power your muscles

Are you one of the guys who train daily at the gym or are you just starting their training? No matter how much time you have, you must know that to achieve results you need perseverance and discipline.

So do not expect changes overnight, little by little you will see results that will be favorable if you are a disciplined person and aware of your health.

Today we will talk about some foods that will help you gain muscle mass and at the same time lose fat because to gain muscle you need to eat well. Remember that eating well does not mean eating ugly, on the contrary, it is eating healthy and tasty.

1.- Spinach

Foods that help you gain muscle mass

Source: muyinteresante.es

Why do you think Popeye consumed it? Well no, it’s no coincidence that the mythical cartoon is spent all day consuming spinach. The truth is that this vegetable should not be lacking in the diet of children and adults.

Spinach has a lot of vitamin C, therefore, it is a powerful antioxidant. This leafy green vegetable is an important source of glutamine, an amino acid that helps develop lean muscle mass.

So if you want to gain muscle, feel healthy and look good, spinach is one of the best options to include it in your daily diet.

2.- Egg

Foods that help you gain muscle mass

Source: muyinteresante.es

One of the foods that will undoubtedly help you gain muscle mass is the egg. Raise cholesterol, many will say, but no, it’s not like that. What really increases cholesterol is processed foods, fats, and junk food. The egg. It will provide your body with vitamins such as A, D or B12.

3.- Tuna

Foods that help you gain muscle mass

Source: miarevista.es

It is another of the foods that can not miss in your diet if you want to gain muscle mass. It is a very practical food, you can eat it with a salad and that’s it! You have a meal that gives you vitamins, fiber and the protein your body needs.

4.- Dried fruits

Foods that you must consume to gain muscle mass

Source: elnuevodiario.com.ni

They are delicious, nutritious and will provide you with vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant (very useful for skin and hair). You can snack on nuts, almonds and peanuts throughout the day. If you heard that they contribute too many calories, it is true. The percentage of calories is very high but remember that there are calories and calories and it is not the same to eat nuts and almonds as a hamburger with french fries. With nuts, you give your body the oils, vitamins and fiber you need.

5.- Carbohydrates

Foods that you must consume to gain muscle mass

Source: augedevida.com

Of course, you must consume them! in order to gain muscle mass. Your body needs energy and the only way to provide it is through carbohydrates. Rice, pasta but, above all, oats cannot be missing from your diet. Oatmeal is one of the foods you should consume before and after training.

6.- Legumes

Foods that you must consume to gain muscle mass

Source: infosalus.com

They are tasty, economical and very nutritious. Another one of the foods that must always be present in our diet are the legumes. Lentils, chickpeas and beans provide us with vitamin E and help us gain muscle mass. Much better if you accompany them with vegetables.

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