Trends 2019: Glossy Eyes are makeup that you will want to test

What are glossy eyes and how to get the extravagant effect of a wet eyelid? We advise you step by ...
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Trends 2019: Embroidered tattoos – colorful designs that are a hit on Instagram!

Are you looking for an interesting and expressive idea? Think about embroidered tattoos that conquer Instagram! What are the most fashionable tattoos ...
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Trends 2019: Lavender-Gray Hair, or fashionable hair dyeing, which is Instagram’s hit!

The trend for violet-gray hair conquers Instagram. Lavender-Gray Hair is another trendy coloring, which you should try in the spring-summer 2019 ...
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How to sleep? 8 proven ways to get a good night’s sleep!

What to do to quickly fall asleep, and to get up rested? Will it be a tiring workout, a glass of ...
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Light up your skin like a supermodel: Kendall Jenner reveals her trick

If you still do not know how to use the fashionable cosmetic, your simple technique to apply the illuminator will ...
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First photos of the Spanish ‘curvy’ model who has made history with Victoria’s Secret

The Sevillian Lorena Duran is the first model with curves that appear in the lingerie catalog of the website of ...
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‘Game of Thrones’: 35 things that we would like to see in the last season

Game of Thrones puts the look in his last season as who prepares to give a backward somersault without a ...
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The human being is the only animal that stumbles twice on the same stone. Of course, if you are called Kardashian, ...
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How to make an effective homemade peel without hurting your skin

If you want to clean your skin completely it is time to do a deep cleaning without leaving home. If ...
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Protect your children from the sun

Have you ever wondered what is the best way to protect your children from the sun? The secret is to apply ...
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