“Avengers 4: Endgame”: The first reactions speak of “a masterful epic”

The official German theatrical release of “Avengers 4: Endgame” will be on April 24, 2019. Will the finale of the ...
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The best images of Notre-Dame in the cinema

One of the most iconic French historical and cultural symbols, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has been part of the imagery ...
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Everything you do not know about instant noodles

They are comfortable and rich food that can raise the risk of developing metabolic syndrome in women, especially if they ...
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8 historical sites that you should visit as soon as possible

The fire at Notre Dame made us think of all those incredible places that everyone should have in their wishlist. ...
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Couples who drink together are happier

Forget everything you’ve been told, apparently, the success of your relationship is a little beyond the excellent communication, trust and ...
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The way you sleep reveals about your relationship

When we sleep, we all have our little rituals, habits and quirks. Some sleep naked, others make a cozy nest ...
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A strawberry recipe for white teeth

There are several ways to restore radiance to your teeth. The one we are going to talk about today is ...
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Your haircut says a lot about your personality

Hair is said to say a lot about people’s moods and their character, especially because the first thing we do ...
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1500 kcal diet – be full of energy

A 1500 kcal diet is not only a way to safely lose weight, but also a healthy diet that can ...
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In this country, 25 percent of the population does not have sex at all

The unwillingness to enlarge the family is still understandable. But not to have sex in your choice? Studies carried out in this ...
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