Home Remedies – How to Hair Grow Faster

How hair grow faster home remedies – Maybe you have cut your hair and you didn’t like it, or maybe you want to try a different hairstyle. So, if you want to have longer and healthier hair, you must take action about it.

Next,  we teach you everything you need to do to achieve it and also keep it. Once you put them into practice, you will see that these are very simple actions.

Hydration is essential for your body and also for hair growth. Remember to drink at least two liters of water a day.

Make hair grow faster, is it possible?

There are people who believe that long hair favors them more, so they look for ways to make it grow as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, there are solutions for this and they are very simple. Some of the best advice we can give you are the following:

How to Hair Grow Faster Home Remedies

1. Cut it frequently

Unlike what you think, cutting hair ends at least once every two months can make you grow faster, and certainly much healthier The split ends do not allow it to grow strongly and hence the need to cut them.

How Hair Grow Faster Home Remedies

2. Massage your scalp

When you wash your hair, gently rub your scalp while applying the shampoo. You can also do it as follows: you just have to place a couple of drops of coconut oil or olive oil on the tips of your fingers and massage the scalp a few minutes before bathing.

How Hair Grow Faster Home Remedies

3. Egg whites

Egg proteins and nutrients are excellent for hair growth. Especially the clear ones. For your hair to grow fast you can split a couple of eggs, without the yolks and apply the whites on the hair like a mask.

Massage the scalp gently and leave on for another ten minutes. Rinse well with warm water and then wash as usual.

How Hair Grow Faster Home Remedies
In the egg white, there are also vitamins, although 90% of its weight corresponds to water.

4. Drink more water

Hydration is very important, therefore, try to drink at least a liter and a half of water per day. If you do not like water very much or do not have the habit of drinking it in abundance, you can try herbal infusions or smoothies.

How Hair Grow Faster Home Remedies

5. Brush your hair

When you wash your hair, brush the hair for a few minutes, always with the same movement, from the scalp to the ends, so that it stretches. Brush once or twice a day to stimulate hair follicles and see how soon your hair grows.

6. Do not abuse the hair dryer or iron

If you are used to drying your hair or using the iron a lot, avoid them, unless strictly necessary. The heat emitted by these products not only dries out the hair, but they mistreat it in general, and this is something you should avoid if you want to make your hair grow quickly.

How Hair Grow Faster Home Remedies

7. Birth control pills

It is not proven, but many women use it. You don’t have to take them, but place them in your hair. Simply grind four or five pills and add them to your shampoo. This will make your hair grow faster and, at the same time, be more abundant and healthy.

8. Sleep with a braid

Before going to bed, make a braid in your hair. If you have it too short, make two or three smaller ones. Sleep all night with this hairstyle and in the morning, untie the braids . Repeat every day of a week and you will see how your hair grows faster.

How Hair Grow Faster Home Remedies

9. Essential oils

Grapeseed oil is very good for growing hair. You only have to use a few drops to apply as if it were a circular massage for the entire scalp. This will help you stimulate the hair follicles.

Another very interesting option is coconut oil, which allows you to enjoy beautiful, bright and healthy hair, as well as longer. Massage your scalp with a few drops of hot coconut oil once a week.

A third alternative is rosemary oil. This medicinal herb is very good for hair health. In a bowl place two tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves and half a cup of olive oil, heat without boiling.

Let cool and let stand for two days. Strain and place in a bowl. Then massage the scalp, after having washed your hair.

10. Potato water

How Hair Grow Faster Home Remedies

The potato, and more precisely the potato juice (or water), is a very good idea for the hair to grow faster and at the same time so that it looks healthier, does not break or is very thin. This is because it provides a lot of vitamins, especially the B group. Boil two potatoes in the shell in a liter of water. Let it cool and strain. Use as a rinse after washing.

How Hair Grow Faster Home Remedies

The methods to make hair grow faster are varied and the more natural, the better, since this way we will avoid excess chemicals in our personal care. It is very important that, when applying a specific option, you give it enough time to act. It is not advisable to mix several remedies at once. You have to be patient.

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