7 things that successful and happy people remember every day

Success is, to a large extent, a matter of inner attitude. Successful and happy people regularly lead positive internal dialogues ...
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3 things we can learn from babies

Babies are the biggest miracle. They are small people with their own will and assertiveness. They are simple, authentic, self-confident and themselves. ...
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Why cold showers are healthy

Cold showers stimulate the burning of fat, support the regeneration of the muscles and help against depression. With just a little ...
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Is high cholesterol dangerous?

More and more people and children have high cholesterol. Too high cholesterol levels in the blood are considered a risk factor ...
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Sweet sin: Recipe for the famous DAIM PIE 

INGREDIENTS 1 bag of Daim 220g of chopped hazelnuts 8 eggs 450g sugar 220g butter 30g strength 1 plate of ...
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Seriously Green Smoothie – Recipe

Because you sometimes need a green smoothie. And then really a green one. With only vegetables. This is for the green pros, the ...
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These illustrations show things in the world as they are

The artist Marco Melgrati reveals with his illustrations so many truths – funny and those that hurt. THAIger- Rumors say ...
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Inspiration! She cannot listen properly, but she has set a journey of 8,300 km from the bike.

This is a true story of Archana Timamarju, 33, resident of Bangalore, India, who was born with 40 percent Hearing ...
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7 Elephants were not able to shake this stone, its famous as Indian God ‘Krishna’s butter ball’

India is full of surprises. Looking everywhere you will find something interesting. There will be a story behind every unique thing, which ...
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A unique bridge, which is broken in the rainy season and built again in the summer

There is a unique bridge on the Mekong River of Cambodia, which is built in the summer season and is ...
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