5 Things you should know before giving your first kiss

Get ready to know the truth of that special moment …

It does not matter if it’s your first lifelong kiss, or it’s the first kiss you give yourself with that gallant you love so much, nerves are always at a thousand an hour!

You go crazy thinking about how your first kiss will be and if everything will be perfect, but before you continue to blow your imagination, here we leave you these 5 things that you have probably not taken into account …

1. It will be a bit uncomfortable: Surely both you and your boy will be on edge, but do not worry, the first kiss is just that, the beginning of many other kisses, so just let yourself go!


2. It will be more humid than you think: Definitely, the kisses are not like in the romantic movies, most likely it is a little wet and cold, and maybe that will take you by surprise.

liayden? kiss

3. You do not need the language as much as you think: Forget the French kisses, some of the best kisses in history did not even need it. It is much better if you give your first kiss without using it until you have gotten a bit more practice.

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4. It will be shorter than you think: I repeat, kisses are not like in movies. In the real world, kissing is not a race in the background, if the kiss was sweet and tender, there’s nothing wrong with it being short.

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5. You’re going to panic: While you’re kissing your boy, you may start asking yourself if you’re doing it right, so instantly eliminate that thought and let yourself go. Kisses are not school tasks, they come from the heart and not the brain.

Now that you know these things, let yourself be carried away by the magic of the moment!

Stalia cute kiss

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